The world is undergoing the greatest changes in a century and suffering from an unprecedented global pandemic. Faced with these new situations, UNESCO calls for continuous efforts in education development to overcome the vulnerabilities and uncertainties in the global context and to promote peace, prosperity, and sustainability of the world. In corresponding to this demand, the teaching force’s capacity building and enhancement is no doubt the foundation and key.
The Teacher Education Centre, under the auspices of UNESCO (UNESCO TEC), is mandated to become “the service provider, standard setter, and a research and resource management center in the global field of teacher education”. To achieve the objectives, TEC is entrusted with four major functions as knowledge production, capacity building, technical support, and information sharing. TEC is committed to promote teacher education development worldwide, especially in developing countries and to assure each child’s access to quality education by gathering global consensus and resources.
2021年10月,UNESCO TEC在上海揭牌
本中心秉持“人才为本”的理念,诚聘天下英才。我们期待国际化、专业强、善交流、能攻坚、会合作、愿奉献的您加入UNESCO TEC的团队,为共创世界教育的美好未来,为助力人类命运共同体建设共同努力!
TEC always sticks to the principle of “Talent First” and welcomes global talents to join us. If you’re equipped with the following characteristic, you’ll be the “Mr. RIGHT” for the TEC team:
·With internationalized education and research backgrounds,
·With strong professional competences,
·With excellent communication skills,
·Actively respond to challenges with problem - solving capacity,
·Adept at collaboration, with good team spirits,
·Willingness in dedication to the society development.
If your profile fits all the above, please join us! Together we can create a beautiful future for education in the world and make our contribution to build a community of shared future for mankind.
Related Requirements and Benefits
Number of vacancies: 5
Type of positions
Research or Teaching and Research Positions
Job descriptions
· 积极参与本中心学科建设和集体研究项目,开展相关领域的个人学术和决策咨询研究;
·Actively participate in the discipline development and group research projects of the Centre, and conduct individual academic research and policy consulting in related fields;
· 组织并实施本中心与世界各国、各国际组织合作开展的教育项目;
·Organize and implement educational projects conducted by the Centre in collaboration with other countries or international organizations;
· 承担适量的教学和人才培养工作;
·Undertake an appropriate level of teaching and some talent cultivation activities;
· 专家教授需带领团队开展国际国内重大项目研究;
·Capable of leading teams to conduct some key international and national projects for expert professors;
· 承担本中心正常运作所需的其他国内外社会服务任务。
·Undertake other necessary domestic and overseas social services.
Required Qualifications
· 具有为教育学科发展、中国教育影响力提升、人类教育进步而贡献的理想信念;
·Strong belief in dedication to the development of the education discipline, to the influence enhancement of China’s education in the world, and to the advancement of education worldwide;
· 具有强烈的上进心、团队协作精神、组织协调能力;
·Strong motivation, team work spirits and good organizational and coordination skills;
· 已经或即将取得世界一流大学(世界大学排名前200)的博士学位;
·A doctoral degree (delivered or to obtain) from world-class universities (world’s top 200 universities);
· 具备开展学术研究、撰写发表论著和参与国际合作的能力;
·Competent at academic research activities, scientific publications and international collaboration;
· 欢迎国内外教育学、社会学、国际关系、计算机、经济学、数学教育等相关专业的博士应聘。
·With a doctorate degree in education, sociology, international relations, computer science, economics, mathematics education and a related field.
Salaries and Benefits
· 青年才俊不低于30万的综合年薪待遇;专家教授薪酬待遇面议。
·A competitive package of salaries and benefits of no less than 300 thousand RMB is offered for young talents. The package of salaries and benefits for expert professors will be negotiated in person.
· 青年才俊不低于10万的研究启动经费;专家教授科研经费面议。
·A large sum of research initiation grant of no less than 100 thousand RMB is provided for young talents. The sum of research initiation grant for expert professors will be negotiated in person.
· 一流的学术研究和办公环境。
·TEC provides first-class academic research environment with well-equipped physical infrastructure.
· 青年才俊以上海师范大学“师资博士后”身份入职,2年期满后业绩达到相关聘任标准,给予上海师大教师正式编制,并可直接申请副高职称。
·Young talents will be first employed as “postdoctoral faculty” of Shanghai Normal University for two years. They can obtain the official university academic status and apply for associate professorship after the fulfillment of evaluation standards.
Professional Development
As a high-end international platform for global teacher education development and policy dialogue, TEC will provide various opportunities for its staff to show their talents.
· 中心将为青年才俊创造机会,赴联合国教科文组织、世界银行、经济合作与发展组织等国际机构实习见习、项目研究、挂职锻炼;
·TEC will create opportunities for young talents to do internship, project research or professional field work in international organizations such as UNESCO, the World Bank, and OECD;
· 中心将为青年才俊提供赴教育部相关司局和上海市教委等政府部门挂职锻炼的机会;
·TEC will provide related field work opportunities in departments, bureaus and offices in Ministry of Education or Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.
· 中心积极支持专家教授和青年才俊参与和发起国际研究课题、组织和出席国际会议,并为参与国际合作交流活动提供经费支持;
·TEC actively supports its staff in international research project initiation and participation, in the organization and attendance of global conferences. TEC also funds other international communication activities.
· 中心全力支持专家教授和青年才俊申报国家和上海市各级各类人才计划,比如上海市“超级博士后”等(具体计划可向联系人咨询)。
·TEC offers its full support for its staff’s application of all kinds of talents programs at national and local level, such as the “Super Post-Doc” program in Shanghai. (detailed information is available for consulting).
Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their complete resumes to the email addresses indicated below. The potential candidates will be contacted as soon as possible for job interviews. The recruitment process will be closed when the positions are occupied.
张华峰 博士:
Dr. Zhang Huafeng:
王卓芸 女士:
Ms. Wang Zhuoyun